Dr. Steven T. Constantine Offers Complimentary Removal of Excess Skin to A Deserving Utahan

MURRAY, UT, October 10, 2020 - Over his years as a cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Steven T. Constantine has donated time, services, and money to an array of charitable organizations through his practice, Constantine Cosmetic Surgery. Knowing quite a few cosmetic surgeons perform charity work for burn victims, disaster relief, congenital deformities, or across US borders; but there aren’t many that do it for deserving aesthetic patients where it could truly make a difference in someone’s daily life in Utah. With this in mind, Dr. Constantine decided mid-2019 to launch “Constantine Cosmetic Surgery Gives Back” at his annual event in November 2019.
Dr. Constantine emailed his patient and shared it on social media. He encouraged his patient base to share this opportunity on their social platforms to further increase community reach. It was important for Dr. Constantine to find a nominee with whom he could affect an impactful change in their life and also that the person was the best candidate overall for receiving such a gift.
The nomination process ran through the month of November 2019, people would submit their chosen candidate online. After gathering over 150 nominations, Dr. Constantine felt he had found the very best candidate.
Terry VanMatre is a South Jordan resident, a Delta worker, and a life-long Ute fan. In early 2019, Terry lost 328 pounds after bariatric surgery, he was now challenged with the excess skin left behind. Insurance denied his claims for removal. Even after his weight loss success, Terry still felt like he was still carrying the weight. Dr. Constantine has helped many patients regain their confidence, bodies, and lives back once losing large amounts of weight or having bariatric surgery as Terry did.

Dr. Constantine takes patient health very seriously. Terry underwent a cosmetic consultation in early 2020 and a health assessment with a complete blood panel from his primary care physician. After receiving medical clearance, Constantine Cosmetic Surgery gifted the $25,000.00 surgery to Mr. VanMatre. Terry said, “I’m grateful that Dr. Constantine cared enough to give someone a chance to change their life with this opportunity. I’m very, very thankful for the people that submitted on my behalf and making this a possibility.”
Watch the video below:
At Constantine Cosmetic Surgery, double-boarded cosmetic surgeon Dr. Constantine's goal is to provide natural, predictable, and stable results that are aesthetically pleasing. Procedures include breast augmentation, breast reduction, en bloc, liposuction, Brachioplasty, tummy tuck, labiaplasty, facelift surgery, blepharoplasty, and many other procedures. The full medical spa treats patients using injections, lasers, skincare, and CoolSculpting treatments. He is passionate about what he does, and it is reflected in the care that you will receive. For more information, please visit

Kim Pratt
PR & Marketing Director