Tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure to remove excess fat and skin from the lower abdomen, while restoring weakened or separated abdominal muscles creating a tighter, firmer, and thinner abdominal profile.
The number of tummy tucks performed annually in both men and women is on the rise. Well over 100,000 tummy tuck procedures are performed annually in the United States.
We are all aware of changes that occur in our bodies that are often beyond our control. For many women, motherhood is a double-edged sword of blessing and frustration. Excess skin, stretch marks, and muscle laxity or bulging in the lower abdomen are often the unexpected side effects of becoming a mother. These conditions do not improve with better diet or more exercise leaving many women feeling less feminine and compensating for their unwanted curves with clothing that camouflages these extra “bulges”. With the added pressure of feeling “vain” or “frivolous” about wanting to change these problem areas, many women find it difficult to even call and make a consultation, let alone discuss these concerns with their plastic surgeon.
Dr. Constantine understands these very real concerns and takes pride in carefully educating each patient about their options and empowering patients to make their own decisions in an informed manner. We recognize that a tummy tuck is a significant surgical procedure and is not the right choice for every patient, but for thousands women and men each year a tummy tuck affords the opportunity to move from camouflage to confidence.

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a procedure for men or women with excess fat or loose lower abdominal skin that is resistant to diet or exercise. Women who are finished with childbearing and who have excess skin, fat or bulging in the lower abdomen are candidates for a tummy tuck. With pregnancy, the abdominal muscles will often separate causing bulging in the lower abdomen. Like excess skin and stretch marks, these stretched out muscles will not retighten with aggressive diet and exercise. A tummy tuck corrects these concerns by tightening the abdominal muscles creating a firmer flatter abdomen and by removing the excess skin and fat creating a thinner abdominal profile. Liposuction is sometimes used in a conservative manner with a tummy tuck to assist with sculpting the waist line further.
For other patients, such as men with excess skin or fat, or those who have lost significant amounts of weight, a tummy tuck can be an option for tightening the abdomen. A tummy tuck can yield a flatter stomach and a shapelier waistline, which can enhance appearance and self-confidence. These results will be permanent only if the person maintains a sensible diet and participate in regular exercise. Tummy tuck is a good option if you are physically healthy and at a stable weight, you have realistic expectations, you are a non-smoker, and you are concerned about a tummy that feels too large. Our doctors will assist you in determining if a tummy tuck is right for you.
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