Cheek Augmentation (Malarplasty)
Full and prominent cheekbones are an essential component of a handsome or beautiful face. When cheekbones are shallow or when the mid-face (the region just below the lower eyelids) appears flat, the face can appear tired and reveal signs of premature aging. A weak, flat facial bone below the eye emphasizes aging lower lids, making their baggy appearance more prominent. By placing a solid silastic cheek implant through a small intra-oral incision (a technique that does not create any external scars on the face) the cheeks become lifted and more defined, exhibiting enhanced volume. The cheek implant sits directly on top of the facial bone and creates a very natural elevation of the overlying tissue. Cheek implants are often used in conjunction with a facelift procedure in order to restore or create volume in the cheeks, which optimizes the result of the procedure.

Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty)
Facial beauty is largely a result of a well-defined jaw line and aesthetic harmony between the nose, lips and chin. If the chin is under- or over-projected, the nose-lip-chin balance can appear disproportionate. In addition to the projection of the chin, chin length can also cause facial incongruity if it is too long or too short. Through a mentoplasty procedure, Dr. Constantine can make adjustments to the chin so that its shape and size better complement your other facial features. Often, patients who undergo a facelift or rhinoplasty procedure can benefit from the addition of a chin implant to replace diminished volume or to create an ideal balance between the chin and the nose.

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